Learning Objects:
After completing this session you will be able to define
variables of different data types,
store integer, float and character values, display text on screen and
take input from keyboard and perform
arithmetic operations on variables.

#include <iostream.h>
void main ()
cout << “This is my first program in c++”;
#include <iostream.h> instruction will include the header file iostream into our
program. iostream header file is required
for cout [console output] and cin [console input].
void main () is function definition for main function. main function is always present in any c/c++ program.
} are known as curly brackets. They define the boundary of main function.
cout <<
“This is my first program
in c++”; statement will display
the text enclosed
within “ “. You can place any text you want to display
within “ “ and the program will
display your text on the screen.
Task 1:
a) Display your name on the screen.
b) Display your hobbies on the screen.
c) Display your favorite book name on the screen.

#include <iostream.h>
void main ()
<< “Muhammad Mohsin Azhar”;
#include <iostream.h>
void main ()
<< “Playing Cricket , Browsing Internet
#include <iostream.h>
void main ()
cout << “Electronic Devices and
Circuit Theory by Rober Boylestad”;

#include <iostream.h>
void main ()
my_variable =
cout << “The value of my_variable is: “ << my_variable;
my_variable; will create a variable my_variable of type integer in computer’s
memory. At this moment
my_variable will have some garbage value placed in it. That garbage value could be anything within the range of int data type.
my_variable = 20; statement will
assign value 20, which
is an integer value
variable my_variable. Assigning value to variable in program is
cout <<
“The value of my_variable is: “ <<
my_variable; will
display the following text on the screen.
The value of my_variable is: 20
Supporting material:
The data type
float is used to store decimal values. For example float
set=7.8; will place 7.8 into variable set.
data type char is used to store
single character. For example char status=’N’;
store N into variable status.
Task 2:
a) Create
a variable data of type int and assign it the value 60, now display
the content of your variable on
b) Create
a variable temperature of type float and
assign it the value 36.5, now
display the content of your variable on screen.
c) Create
a variable data of type char and assign it the value A, now display the
content of your
variable on screen.

#include <iostream.h>
void main ()
float user_input;
cout << “Please enter value: “;
cin >> user_input;
cout << “You have entered: “ <<
cin >> user_input; statement will take user input from
keyboard. cin is console
input. It is used for taking
input from keyboard. You can take input in any type of
variable using cin >> varaiable_name; Taking input from keyboard
is known as soft coding.
Task 3:
Create a program
which declares three variable of type int, float and char each.
Display appropriate message on screen and then take input from user then display
the values entered by
user on screen.

#include <iostream.h>
void main ()
float input1, input2;
cout << “Please enter input 1: “;
cin >>
cout << “Please enter input 2: “;
cin >>
cout << “input1 + input 2 = “ << input1+input2;
Task 4:
Line by line, explain the working of program
Create programs which can perform addition
(+), subtraction (‐), multiplication (*)
and division (/) on integer and then float values?

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